Monthly Archives: October 2017

By Kendal Castle, 29 October 2017


BB: `He liked the idea of being a husband, the idea of “my wife” and “my wife’s a teacher”. When I got married, he used to say: “my married daughter who lives in Birmingham”. That “married” part was very important to him. He loved the idea of being king of the castle that you hear of in abusive relationships nowadays. He very much became king of the castle when he left the army’.

`My father was very proud of his appearance’


BB: `He did all his own laundry and “pressing”. Ironing was what women did. My father taught me how to iron shirts.’


From Coal Miner to Army Nurse


Brenda’s father started his working life as a coal miner and eventually became an army nurse. When he left the army, he continued his nursing career.

With Brenda Burrell, Kendal, 29 October 2017

With Brenda Burrell, Kendal, 29 October 2017

I met with Brenda Burrell in Kendal. She told me she hated having her photograph taken. Here is a photograph of her father’s suitcase together my grandfather’s. The suitcases were exchanged.